Terms of Service
Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association
Code of Conduct
Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association (GBCCA) is a non-profit, non-political, premier
Chinese cultural organization, supported by members, friends and operated largely by a cadre of
volunteers. The well being of GBCCA depends on the good will of all those involved with the
organization at every level, whether as a member, official, club leaders or administrators. All of
us have a responsibility, above and beyond compliance with the law, to act with integrity,
prudence, to protect the reputation of the organization and its individual members, and to adhere
to the goals and principles of the organization.
To ensure a friendly and respectful environment for all, a Code of Conduct, which complies with
GBCCA by-laws, is drafted for all people under the auspices of GBCCA. The Board and
Executive Committee are committed to ensuring full compliance with the following
pronouncements. The Board reserves the right to review documents, censure and initiate the
procedure to expel violators.
Non-discrimination: GBCCA opposes discrimination of any form and insists upon equal
treatment for all. Individual clubs may establish club rules unique to its objectives, however,
these rules should be established with the consent of the majority of club members, understood
and applied equally to all those involved with the club.
Mutual Respect: GBCCA rejects the use of violence and hostility of any nature by anyone
involved in the organization. Abusive language, spoken or written, threatening gestures, hostile
or disruptive behavior directed towards anyone is not tolerated. Mutual respect and courtesy are
required in dealing with each other in order to maintain order.
Integrity and Fair Play: We think before we act and consider the consequences of our actions.
When there is a dispute, the expectation is that the parties will settle this in an amicable manner.
Personal integrity and reputation could be irreparably damaged when unsubstantiated
accusations are lodged against an individual, or a group. Instead of resolving an issue of
concern, such hurtful behavior only deepens the dispute.
Privacy: All parties involved in a dispute, or a disagreement, must show respect for privacy. It
is forbidden to broadcast one's questions or concerns through e-mail or other mass
communication channel to persons not directly involved.
Propriety: GBCCA encourages an open and honest policy and demands the highest standards
for its financial and administrative operations. Rules and regulations have been set up to guard
against corruption, misrepresentation, or improper practices.
Use of Membership List, Including E-mail List: GBCCA maintains a membership list for
internal communication purpose only. It is forbidden for anyone to use this list for personal,
commercial, and political purpose.
The success of GBCCA depends on a collaborative effort among members and community at
large. The Code of Conduct is an attempt to remind ourselves that being civil, responsible, and considerate
of each other not only will minimize conflict, but also will enhance our enjoyment of what has
been provided by this wonderful organization and its people.