Chinese Music Concert, Sunday, 5/28/2023 at Lexington
Event: Chinese Music Concert
Title: Musical Feast of Music Friends (樂友饗宴)
Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Battin Hall, Cary Memorial Building
1605 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA
Presented by GBCCA Chinese Music Ensembles & Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra from Taiwan.
You are cordially invited to the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association (GBCCA) Chinese Music Ensembles’ annual concert. This year we are honored to collaborate with the Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra from Taiwan.
This concert will present a variety of beautiful music, and is to be held in Battin Hall, Cary Memorial Building (1605 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA) on Sunday, May 28,2023.
Concert program
Guzheng & Pipa Duet: Snow Geese Flying South 《雪雁南飛》
Dizi Solo: Wubangzi 《五梆子》
Quartet: Comments of the East & the West 《評東彈西》
Double Suona & Ban Drum: Mud Boss 《泥老板》
Ensemble: Thirty Miles Village《三十里舖》, Thoughts in a Beautiful Night《良宵随想》, Southern & Northern Tunes《南腔北調》, Thoughts《思想起》, Like a Dream《如夢》
Joint Ensembles: Longing for the Spring Breeze《望春風》, Dance Music of Yao 《瑤族舞曲》。
Free Admission with Tickets. For tickets: taichunpan@hotmail.com
文協國樂團年度音樂會將於5/28/2023(星期日)7:30pm, 在勒星顿舉辦,1605 Mass Ave, Battin Hall, Cary Memorial Building, Lexington, MA。
我們很榮幸的邀請到新竹青年國樂團遠道將從台灣來參加此次联合演出。表演節目豐富多樣,歡迎大家蒞臨觀賞指教。音樂會由文協國樂團音樂總監/指揮陳志新,及新竹青年國樂團藝術總監/指揮劉江濱,率領同台演出。 古筝演奏家楊信宜亦應邀演出。