Save Janet 一位孩童健康成長的守護者
Dear Committee members,
I am writing to share a sad news with you and ask your assistance to spread the message. Janet Hsu-Lin (許捷), an emergency pediatrician, who served as the camp doctor of NECYSC for several years in the past and continued to support our camp as a sponsor, was recently diagnosed with CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia). I’ve known Janet for more than ten years, and there is no doubt that she is one of the kindest and compassionate people that I’ve encountered. Besides NECYSC, she also volunteered to be the school doctor of Lexington Chinese School and had taken care of thousands of kids at Boston Children’s Hospital, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, and more recently, at her own practice, KidsWell.
Janet is in a critical condition and urgently needs bone marrow transplantation. In order to increase the chance for Janet to find a matched donor, I am encouraging you to join The National Marrow Donor Program ( The online registration steps are simple and straightforward. For more than 95% of the time, doctors request donors to be in the 18-44 age group. For people who are 45-60 years old and want to join the registry, there is a $100 tax-deductible fee to cover the cost of the test. Asian is among of the ethnic groups that are in high demand for more registered donors.
Copied below is the Chinese message that I received from another social group. Please help spread the word and forward this message to your friends and other social groups.
Thank you very much!
Yu-Hua Tseng
如果您為人父母,一定體會過醫院休診時,孩子突然出狀況那種惶惶 無助的焦慮?或者經歷懷抱幼兒,在急診室裡漫長無邊的等待吧?有 一位醫師,甜美的笑容,貼心的關懷,加上豐富的專業技能,常在這 樣的時刻,撫慰著病家的煎熬。她就是Dr. Janet Hsu-Lin,相信有不少小寶貝是她的病人!
畢業於Tufts醫學院,懷抱著對孩子的愛心,林醫師選擇站在救 治兒童的第一線。 二十多年來,從Boston兒童醫院到Newton-Welle sley,她在急診室伴隨小病患們度過了數不清的黑夜黎明。有感 於急診室制度的不便,一年半前她在Newton一手打造了專門診 治兒童的緊急照護醫院KidsWell,期望更進一步發展社區醫 療,造福鄉親。可是,當她正一步一步實踐理想時,她病了。
林醫師罹患了慢性骨髓性白血病。一如她過往鼓舞小病患,自己也正 勇敢的承受化療帶來的莫大沖擊。即便如此,面對詭異多變的血癌細 胞,目前所用的藥物隨時可能會因抗藥性產生而失效!唯有徹底摧毀 自身造血系統,盡快接受骨髓移植,方得重生的希望。而她能找到合 適骨髓的最好機會,就來自血脈相連的同胞們!
令人扼腕的是, 或許文化因素導致了東方人的骨髓資料庫不夠完備,亞裔病人能從其 中完成配型的比率是所有族裔中最低的。這是一場生命與時間的賽跑 ,站在關鍵時刻點,您可以伸出援手,成為其中之一嗎?
捐贈者需在60歲以下,只有細胞分子表型與患者配對成功者才能捐 獻。又因為醫生選的捐贈者95%為18-44歲,所以配對測試在 18-44歲註冊檢驗是免費,45-60歲要交$100元。有意 做配型檢測者請到 完成網上問卷。醫院會將測試用品寄到您手上 。您只需抹取口腔頰側細胞,依指示寄回即可。
不論您是否接收配型測試,請幫忙把訊息傳給您的朋友圈,尋找有緣 人。
舉手之勞,恩同再造! !
The National Marrow Donor Program – Donate Today | Be The Match