2021 Picnic Day Photos
On July 31, 2021, GBCCA resumed the summer picnic tradition. This was our first in-person gathering since the COVID pandemic. We had about 150 participants and 30 dishes. Among the attendees was one of the GBCCA founders Beatrice C Lee, who is also the oldest member (over 90 years old). That was a beautiful day and everyone had a wonderful time; and at the end all members together took a group photo behind the GBCCA banner. Many thanks to our former presidents Weishang Liu (2019) and Frank Yang (2020), who contributed delicious Chinese buns, fried fish, and pan-fried meat pies, and Yuhe Club for watermelon. We also thank our vice president Vicky Nee for coordinating the event, and the waist drum team and the EC team and family, and many volunteers for their help.
波士顿文協在2021年七月三十一日舉辦了一年一度的夏日野餐。這是在新冠病毒大流行之後大家第一次親身參加聚會。這次大約有一百五十人參加了我們的聚會,共享二十五道好菜。文協創辦人之一,九十多歲高齡的趙鐘英女士也蒞臨現場。當天風和日麗,見到了幾年沒見的朋友,會友們相聚特別高興. 野餐後會员們在文協橫幅後拍照留念。我們特別感謝前兩任的會長劉瑋珊(2019)和楊曉華(2020)為大家帶來可口的包子,炸魚和餡餅, 雲鶴社提供的西瓜,還感謝付會長潘慧如的統籌規劃,腰鼓隊,EC團隊及家人們,以及眾多會员的同心協助。