GBCCA 成功舉辦插花講座 並 誠邀報名MFA插花義工
GBCCA 成功舉辦插花講座 並 誠邀報名MFA插花義工
Floral Art Workshop at GBCCA & Call for MFA Volunteers
GBCCA主席 劉瑋珊文稿 Weishan Liu, President of GBCCA
8月10日在GBCCA 二楼举办的講座插花,极具吸引力。資歷講師Margo Yie, 詳細地介紹了插花技花的基本知識,原理和技巧,每个与会者都十分认真听講,在动手插花的部分,更是精彩,大家聚精會神地,運用剛剛學到的理論常識,創作一盆盆自己喜愛的,漂亮的藝術插花, 有與老師的探討,有與同學間的交流,還有小朋友的獨到見解!課后,大家對GBCCA 舉辦的插花講座贊不絕口,并希望繼續開班講授更深奥的插花藝術和技巧。
The floral art workshop on August 10th attracted many GBCCA members. Margo Yie, experienced floral instructor, introduced floral art basics, mechanisms and techniques. The attendees were delighted to apply the newly acquired knowledge to the beautiful floral arrangements they each made at the workshop. The workshop was very well received by members at GBCCA, and members wish for future opportunities to learn more floral art.
The MFA is actively looking for MFA associates (volunteers). It would be a great opportunity to volunteer at MFA and learn floral art from the best professionals in the field. Please refer to the following links for more information and for the application form.
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